Preschool Program
30 months – 5 years / 2024-2025 School Year
For the 2024-2025 school year you can choose to enroll your child in a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 5 days per week. The school hours are 9am to 11:30am Monday to Thursday (with the Kinder Readiness Program on Friday). You must register for the days you will be attending (for example, Tuesday and Thursday) and may only attend on those days. If you wish to change your days, you may do so with one month’s written notice to our registrar. (Note that if your child is under 2.5 years old, space may be limited and we may only be able to let them come 2 days).
Prices for our program will be as follows:
Prices for our program will be as follows:
- 2-day day program – $91.20/month with Fridays $136.80
- 3-day program – $136.80/month with Fridays $182.40
- 4-day program (Mon-Thurs) – $182.40/month with Fridays $228
- Friday add on – an extra $45.60/month (Kindergarten Readiness Program, must be 3 by December 31, 2024 to enroll, see below for more details)
- Annual Family Membership fee – $50
While this program is meant to be an early introduction to more formal learning, it is also a unique opportunity to develop social skills. It is the first chance many children will have to interact with their peers. The teachers at the nursery school encourage and guide the children in successful communication and problem solving. At the end of this program, your child will be ready for whatever you choose as the next step in their education.
** children aged 24-30 months may be admitted at the discretion of the school if space allows in accordance with our underage policy.

Kinder Readiness Program
3-5 years / 2024-2025 School Year
Fridays – an additional $45.60/month
*must also be attending a minimum of 2 other days a week
Students participate in the preschool program as described above with an additional Friday program that runs from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Students are required to pack a 2nd snack/light lunch.
Friday allows for a maximum of 16 children with two teachers (1 RECE minimum); children are divided into smaller groups to complete circle time, art, science and language activities.
Lessons are designed as a kindergarten preparedness program, but remain flexible with lots of opportunity to learn through play. The small teacher/student ratio allows for more guided work at students own pace as their ability allows and themes are a continuation of curriculum presented in the preschool program.
*Students must be 3 years of age by Dec 31st of the registration year and potty trained in order to be eligible for the Kindergarten Readiness Program.
Prices for our program will be as follows:
A $50 annual family membership fee is due at the time of registration.
Subsidies may be available, please see Registration for more details.