Core Nursery School Program

Welcome to Nursery School. We hope you are ready for a fun-filled school year. For those new to our school, please — just relax and enjoy the experience of a co-operative with your child.

The staff will help you through your first days. We ask morning parents to please leave the classroom by 9:15. This allows the children to settle in for the morning. If you are feeling anxious, feel free to stay in the room next to the school. The staff will let you know how your child is doing.

If you are nervous about your first helper parent day — please, don’t be. Once again, we are there to help guide you and walk you through it. The list of duties is posted above the counter in the art room. It may look long but most of the jobs can be done quickly.

Below is a brief run down of the daily schedule. Times are approximate:

9-10 Free play

10-10:15 Clean Up

10:15-10:30 Bathroom Break

10:30-11:00 Snack

11:00-11:20 Circle

11:20-11:30 Get ready for Parents


Fridays are Fabulous

Children must already be enrolled in the two-day program to be eligible for enrolment in the Friday Program. It is a continuation of the weekly themes and not a duplication. Free play is still an important aspect of the morning. The children are learning to share, communicate and cooperate with one another during this time. The small teacher/student ratio can allow us to do more entailed art, experiments, or maybe even some drama.

We use the upstairs hall for gross motor play. After warming up, this is great time to use the balls, parachute, or play games. The children really enjoy this time.

The class curriculum changes based on the interests and needs of students. Teachers are flexible and adapt the program to meet the needs of each students.

Friday students also have the opportunity to share a first snack provided by the parent helper and a second snack which they will bring to school themselves together.

**What are Parent Helper Days?

Participating as Helping Parent provides you the opportunity to see your child in the school setting. All families are required to participate — each family is assigned a duty day through the roster — the parent helper is responsible for providing a healthy snack (no nut policy) and general clean-up of the school area. Should you be unable to provide snack or clean up on the appointed day, it is your responsibility to switch with another parent. If you are unable to fulfill your duties due to an emergency, call your Parent-Teacher Representative.

The helping parent is required to stay during the program hours. It is mandatory that the helper has submitted a Criminal Reference Check and Immunization Record.


Parent Helper Cleaning Duties

  • Wipe and disinfect the tables and chairs.
  • Clean up on, under and around tables especially where snack has been eaten (moving all chairs to ensure under the table is clean)
  • Wash / Disinfect plates and cups (follow procedure for disinfecting)
  • Clean paint pot lids. Wash the paint pots if empty or the colors are muddy.
  • Clean any glue paddles, or art supplies that were used during the day
  • Sweep floors and vacuum carpets in all three rooms. ( move and clean behind and under all items on wheels)
  • Empty the 3 small garbage cans into the larger garbage can in the storage room across hall.
  • Check all play areas for neatness, dress up clothes hanging nicely, puzzles are complete and stacked neatly, etc.
  • Wipe down and disinfect all frequently touched items (door knobs, play kitchen, chairs, tables, light switches, etc), use the same solution as used to disinfect the tables.
  • Mop / wash floors, most efficient to complete this task after the children have gone home.

**The first time aa a helping parent volunteer?  Each year you will be required to review and sign our Behaviour Management Policies and Procedures and the Anaphylaxis Policy that are posted in our art room.

More information is available in our Parent Handbook.

Behavioural Management Policies

Procedures and the Anaphylaxis Policy

What do I bring for snack?

It’s the number one question asked by new parents. Here are some useful tips.

A snack provides children with the energy and nutrients they need to grow and learn and play at school. Without adequate energy from food, they may feel sluggish and find it difficult to concentrate in class. Providing healthy snacks also helps children form healthy eating habits that can last throughout their lives. We find that children are more apt to trying something new in a group setting. It is fun to involve your child in the selection and preparation of the snack, but please do try to avoid junk food. Easy on the sugar! We are a nut free school.

For a healthy snack, aim to include a food from each of the three groups in Canada’s Food Guide:

  1. Vegetable and Fruit apple, banana, orange, grapes, watermelon, berries, pear, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, peach, grape tomatoes, cucumber, baby carrots, celery sticks, green, yellow & red peppers, raisins, dried cranberries, applesauce, fruit/veg puree pouches.
  2. Grain Products Because of the multiple student allergies and sensitivities this year, it is safest to bring in pre-packaged snacks that are marked school safe and free from the allergens specified on the snack document circulated at the beginning of the year. Please, no homemade baked goods due to anaphylactic allergies. Ideas: rice cakes or crackers (no sesame), veggie straws, goldfish, pita chips, Rice Chex, pretzels, popcorn, ‘Made Good’ products, or others noting free from common allergens and no eggs. 
  3. Proteinskielbasa sausage, pepperoni, milk, cheese (strings) or yogurt (tubes) 

In the core program, you are feeding 20-22 or so children; you are feeding 16 children in the  Friday program. So you need about two bites of everything for each kid  — 40 little pieces of cheese, or 20 handfuls of grapes (cut in half, please). Add a few bites for the teachers too.

Beverages: Bottles of juice/milk that can be poured into cups are easier and screw-on-tops make it easy to bring (any) leftovers home.

The school provides glasses and small plates for serving.



It’s important that all parent helpers understand the school’s policies. Please read the 2024/2025 Parent Handbook carefully.

mail icon  2024-25 Parent Handbook


Parent Executive Meeting Minutes 2024/25

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106 Elgin Street
Almonte, ONTARIO

Copyright © 2021 Co-operative Nursery School of Almonte